Monday, May 9, 2011

Ruzica Sandeva

Aries Horoscope for 2011

Astrologically speaking, there's a lot of planetary action already affecting your sign and in 2011 there's going to be more when Jupiter and Uranus enter your sign.
In 2010 due to the Jupiter cycle, you were in a time of spiritual renewal. Being less self-centred and becoming more the support to others may have been beneficial. You may have experienced others as supporting or nurturing you more at times also in 2010. Maybe you were sensing deeper, more spiritual levels of yourself. Developing on the inner planes, becoming more aware of ingrained patterns, or working on a project behind the scenes will have helped you grow and added to the pool of goodwill, no matter how insignificant or difficult it may have felt at the time.
In 2011 Jupiter will be in working from your sign, Aries from Jan 23rd - June 5th signalling a real growth spurt beginning in your life and your mind will be opening to new fields of interest or intellectual pursuits which get you thinking along very different lines. You'll be entertaining new possibilities as you get a broader perspective and think bigger. The expansive, benevolent influence of Jupiter will encourage you to new depths of understanding and appreciation and could plunge you into unfamiliar environments which teach you a great deal.
From June 5th Jupiter goes into Taurus shifting the emphasis into your financial area and your growth will come more through what is of value to you in life. So this can be more money or possessions available to you, or you are splashing out on whatever might help you expand mentally or physically into new territories. Definitely the time to capitalize on your assets, be they material or in the form of inborn talents. By casting your nets wider, you should do better financially.
The Solar eclipse on Jan 4th in Capricorn will send a pulse of energy through the coming months to make the changes necessary which may help you achieve major goals in your life providing there are strong aspects from the eclipse degree to points in your natal chart. You'll feel it's important to be consistent in taking the initiative in minor or major ways with your personal goals and ambitions and also professional ones which may be due to, or centre around, certain significant relationships.
Over these months you should be pushing yourself and projects forwards steadily and with integrity.
Throughout the whole of 2011 key contacts can help you with establishing a good reputation and the structure or support they provide may help you achieve success.
Over January and February the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction may trigger a growing sense of clarity about direction and you could get stronger evidence of progress as you finally move forward with long-term hopes. Those born April 5th- 8th may have to work harder and jump through a few Saturnian hoops which come in the form of demands from partners or meeting the criteria of certain associates. However, the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction will still be pretty close when Jupiter enters your sign on the 23rd. So this could mean an inspiring 'coming together' of factors or people and a steep learning curve at the same time. This will be most potent in the first 10 days and particularly on Jan 4th on the day of the Solar Eclipse but also thereafter as the energy of change and new potentials will encourage positive change in the professional area or the wider stage over the 2nd half of February.
Uranus will be transiting your sign for many years and during that time you'll be transforming yourself in ways which surprise even you. You will have to be flexible and open-minded as you adapt to new conditions inwardly and outwardly. You could be raising a few eye-brows along the way but this is the spirit of revolution which facilitates evolution and part of a significant growth process even though it may be unpredictable at times. Children of the Ram born in the first week of the sign (approx March 21st - 26th ) will feel this energy most potently at times in 2011 and may be subject to what I call the 'Dorothy' syndrome which lifts you up in a whirlwind and sets you down in a place which is "definitely not Kansas."
Saturn continues its transit of your opposite sign Libra until Fall 2012 which means you are in a new cycle of having to work harder at balancing your needs and requirements with those of others. At times you will be keenly aware of walking in their shoes, at other's you will feel very frustrated and limited by their demands. Keywords like compromise, collaboration, sharing come to mind. Hidden stresses in the fabric of a relationship will become exposed and in some relationships you won't be inclined to paper over the cracks this time.
On another level you are completing a process which began around 14 years ago when you were redefining yourself and your world. Now, that sense of self is being tested and it will be a time of weighing in the balance which alliances are worth the greater effort now demanded from you. This includes co-workers and those of you who work one-to-one with others. Getting along together will call upon your people skills more than ever and not only that, but your patience and consistency too. In both professional and marital or other close relationships, you must do the best you can to understand where they are coming from and what the nature of your relationship is with them. It could be that they are going through a rough patch which puts more burden on your shoulders.
Most of all, you'll strive to honour your commitment to those with whom you have a 'contract'. And if two or more of your loyalties clash, or one outweighs the other in importance, then you'll be figuring out how to balance their needs and requirements with your own or between themselves or attempting to prune away any tangles misunderstandings which threaten to choke more important relationships.
The life-changing force of Pluto continues to be felt across your sign from Capricorn. Choices should be coming from a deeper place now. You'll have an array of new options presenting themselves over the year to come, particularly in the first 6 months. And you should listen to the most primitive part of your knowing, follow gut instinct when making decisions. Over 2011 there will be an increasing urge for you to be free of outlived aspects in relationships or outmoded professional set-ups and be more the real you in what you do. Ariens born 24th-29th March will feel this energy most acutely over 2011.
Pluto will help you dig deeper to decide who you really want to be in the big, bad world and will spark or renew your dedication to achieving certain outcomes personal or otherwise in life. This strong drive growing within you pushes you forward with career related activities, and makes you keener to climb the ladder of success. With the planet of death/rebirth affecting public image, reputation, authority figures it could mean some of you are forced to make a major change or have it thrust upon you by outside forces, ultimately good because it clears the decks for growth in new areas. Finding a fresh direction or another option means steering a new course and for a while there it may take some guts and tenacity but Pluto will give you what you need - but not necessarily what you want.
Jupiter in your sign aspects Pluto from Feb 17th - March 3rd which indicates you could become super-enthusiastic about starting afresh or renewing, rehabilitating, renovating something you want to improve or get on it's feet again but you may run up against the powers that be which resist your ideas. Or the path is strewn with obstacles of other kinds. This doesn't mean you cannot be successful if you are open to reviewing your thinking as there is a risk of being 'over-convinced' or blind to other aspects. So before you give 1000% to something or someone make sure that what you believe is absolutely your own truth and not someone else's version.
Jupiter opposes Saturn March 25th-April 2nd. A time of conflicting energies when you can be successful but you should be cautious when expanding into new areas. Elements of the past or old habits or relationships may be holding you back. Your responsibilities to others could feel more irksome just now and you could be casting around for something which brings variety and new learning. If you get the balance between your expectations and requirements and another's right, then this is a time when the structures you live by may expand considerably into new areas. But remember to be patient and do not take on too much of another's scenario on their terms. If you can strike a balance then this can be a time of achievement and laying foundations for a happy future.
Jupiter trines Pluto July 1st-14th and October 16th- November 3rd. This is a good influence which can help improve the financial picture. if lessons are learned about making choices from deeper levels and agreeing with yourself about who you truly want to be and the role you wish to play. Also, what you need in your life to express this more true-to-life version of yourself within the parameters of the bigger picture, and within the interests of the collective need. So this isn't just about yourself, this is about you as a part of a greater scenario and so taking a more philosophical view would be advised. This is a time when you can untangle problems and get things straightened out between you and someone which may have been causing you grief. This is also a time when there can be professional success or you gain some kind of recognition.
The entrance of Uranus into your Sun-sign on March 12th there to stay for about 7 yrs will bring opportunities to carve out a new image for yourself and others will begin to see you differently. Especially those born in the first week of Aries, this is the start of a time of massive change in your life and, at times, you'll get the taste of a faster paced vibration which supports unusual, unconventional or alternative type activities and signals that some surprises could ambush you along the way and catapult you out of your familiar box. However it is for you personally, things won't be dull!
Uranus will be in challenging aspect to Pluto July 8th- August 16th . This will be a recurring aspect in our skies until into 2015 - really getting into gear from June 2012.
This aspect is 'sudden event' territory and can mean an unexpected, potentially life-changing chance for things to change for the better. More likely if you keep your options open and go with the flow of bigger events outside your control, and it may not be easy.
This is a significant time in history when much of what has traditionally been taken for granted - economically, culturally, socially will be subject to deep transformative change. So the advice is to prepare for this by creating a plan B starting from now, which may mean finding ways to be more self-sufficient, less dependent on outside lines of supply, or stocking up on certain things.
At times, even though things may be happening fast, try not to throw the baby out with the bath-water.

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